How It Works!


Online Driver Improvement Program (DIP):

  • You may be assigned to the Driver Improvement Program (DIP) by the MVA, the Courts, or an Administrative Law Judge, because you are suspended or revoked, or received your first moving violation while holding a provisional license.
  • If you are revoked, you will need to complete the program as part of your reinstatement process. You will not have a referral letter telling you to complete the program by a certain date.
  • In all other instances involving an MVA ("Assignment to DIP") referral letter, you will need to complete the program by the Completion (Due) Date listed on the top right of your letter, or you will be suspended until you successfully finish the program.


Instructions - How to Complete this Internet Program and take the Final Test:

Please read the following instructions COMPLETELY before beginning your course.

  • To begin, return to our home page and click the menu link or the button that says, "Sign Up".
  • You may complete the online program at your own pace (all in one day or return as many times as you choose).
  • When returning to complete your sessions, you will need to login with your name and date of birth.
  • In this online course, there are 11 sessions.
  • There will be a review at the end of each session. When you complete the review at the end of the 11th session, you will have finished the "online" classroom requirements.
  • This online course is free. However, in order to receive a completion certificate, you must pass a short final test (average time = 10 to 15 minutes) at one of our test areas and pay the fee of .
  • Be aware that a final test is required whether you take an online program or a classroom program.
  • If you fail to receive a passing grade of 80% or better, the MVA requires that you wait at least 24 hours before you will be allowed to re-take the test.
  • This applies to BOTH classroom and Internet.
  • We accept .



You are required to bring the following items with you to the test area:

  • Picture identification. NO Picture ID - NO Certificate - NO Exceptions.
  • Your MVA referral/assignment letter.
  • The print-out of the "Congratulations" page at the end of the course or a print screen of your completed sessions page.


Please Be Aware:

  • If you do not know your Maryland Customer Identifier number, we cannot transmit your completion to the MVA.
  • If your schedule does not allow you to complete the final exam at a designated test area, do not take this online program.
  • Test areas may be posted and updated on a regular basis throughout this online program.
  • The "Test Areas" link is in the menu section above.
  • Cancellation Policy: Our policy is not to cancel unless there is an extreme weather condition. In this situation, the cancellation will be posted immediately to our Test Areas page under the corresponding test location.


Please Note:

  • "Official completion" of this program means that you have completed all of the online sessions, come "in-person" to take your final test, paid your fee, and received your Completion Certificate.
  • As a provider, we are required to transmit your completion information to the Administration (the MVA) within 24 hours of your "official completion" of the course. Updating of your driving record is dependent on our transmission of your completion information to the MVA. Be advised, that the MVA may not be able to remove your suspension, or reinstate your driving privilege, until we transmit the program completion update to your driving record. {Ref: COMAR &}
  • We will not disclose client information for any purpose other than allowed by 10-616 (p) of the State Government Article, Annotated Code of Maryland.



  • If you would like to attend an in-person classroom program, please email us at or call us at or for a schedule.